by Daniel Hathaway
PAND — Performers and Artists for Nuclear Disarmament — was formed in 1984 during the height of the U.S.-Soviet arms race, which threatened, even in the case of a limited nuclear war, to destroy human civilization and much of life on the Earth.
“Today,” the organization states, “our goal is to work for the abolition of nuclear weapons. Our willingness to devote our time, talents and reputations to achieve this springs from our belief that art can contribute not only to aesthetics, but to ethics; not only to beauty, but to peace.”
The local chapter of PAND, which is part of Cleveland Peace Action, annually presents a concert in early August to commemorate the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This year, which marks the 69th anniversary of an event that changed the course of human history, members of The Cleveland Orchestra and friends will perform at Nighttown, 12387 Cedar Road in Cleveland Heights, on August 6 at 7:30 pm.
The concert, entitled “Brahms Not Bombs” will include Brahms’s String Quartet No. 2, the Horn Trio and songs for voice and piano, in addition to Hungarian folk music and actress Dorothy Silver reading poetry by Daniel Thompson.
Performers will include Sae Shiragami, Ioana Missits, Emma Shook & Steven Greenman, violins, Lisa Boyko, viola, Charles Bernard, cello, Jesse McCormick, horn, Carolyn Warner, piano, Anna Jungeun Rathbun, soprano, Walt Mahovlich, accordion & Ken Javor, string bass.
Tickets are available online. Proceeds will go to the Cleveland Peace Action Education Fund.
As American Friends Service Committee disarmament coordinator Joseph Gerson writes, “Commemorations of the first atomic bombings held across the United States and around the world provide a means to remind ourselves, our communities and elected officials that we continue to face the danger of nuclear annihilation, and that action for nuclear disarmament is an urgent necessity.
“Commemorations open spaces to educate the public—especially young generations—about the human consequences of nuclear war. They provide forums and encouragement to plan education and organizing in the year to come…’As the only nuclear power to have used a nuclear weapon, the United States has a moral responsibility to act,’ President Obama has said.”
Published on July 29, 2014.
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