by Neil McCalmont & Mike Telin
In celebration of the summer solstice on June 21, Cleveland inaugurated its first Make Music Day. Over 700 cities worldwide participate in this open-to-all festival, launched in 1982 by the French Ministry of Culture. Local venues offered performances throughout the city, including the Cleveland Clinic, the Bop Stop, Edgewater Park, Stone Mad Park, Toast, the Happy Dog, and many others.
You could go out to eat, walk through the park, grab a drink at the bar, stroll around downtown, and even get your blood drawn, all while experiencing amateurs and professionals coming together to partake in the joy of making music. Cleveland’s participation in this barrier-transcending event was sponsored by Credo Music, alongside the Make Music Alliance, The Cleveland Orchestra, the Oberlin Conservatory of Music, the Cleveland Institute of Music, and the Music Settlement. Here is a glimpse at what we had the pleasure of experiencing.
The Cleveland Cello Quartet performs at Toast in Gordon Square.
David Ellis leads a chamber ensemble in Terry Riley’s In C at Edgewater Park.
Ariel Clayton-Karas and Classical Revolution Cleveland play Mozart at the Happy Dog in Gordon Square.
Published on July 7, 2016.
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